Horii Laboratory (Solid State Phys. Eng. Lab.)
contributes grobal energy problems through materials science and solid state physics and chemistry at higher activitity levels.
日本語版ホームページはこちら。JP version is here.
News: One of research topics in our lab is introduced in KUAS website.
Click here to read the article.
2024. 3.22 Presented 5 papers at Spring Meeting of JSAP (Fukuyama, Pamoda, Adachi, Kimura and Horii).
2023.12.13 Presented 2 papers at at Intl Conference of MAP9 (Ali and Horii). Ali was awarded in Young Researcher Session.
2023.11.10 Best Presentation Award was honored. (Ali) Details are here.
2023.11. 8 Presented 5 papers at 17th Annual Meeting of MSSJ (Ali,Fukuyama, Adachi, Horii and Kimura).
2023. 9.19 Best English Presentation Award was honored. (Ali) Details are here.
2023. 9.19 Presented 1 paper at Fall Meeting of JSAP (Fukuyama).
2023. 9. 8 One Mc student joined Horii Lab.
2023. 4. 4 One UG stundent joined Horii Lab.
2023. 3.15 Presented 2 papers and 1 invited talk at Spring Meeting of JSAP (Ali, Horii and Kimura).
2023. 1.10 Invited article related to mag. alignment was published. (Horii)
This is open-access paper but written in Japanese. Anyone can read it here (@J-stage).
2022.12.12 Patent related to mag. alignment was approved. (Horii)
2022.12. 1 Presented 2 papers at ISS2022@online (Ali and Adachi).
2022.11.29 Presented 1 invited talk at SIPS2022@Thailand (Horii).
2022.11. 8 Presented 3 papers at Annual Meeting of MSSJ (Ali, Horii and Kimura).
2022.10.26 Profs of TU Graz (Austria) visited our lab.
2022. 9.20 Presented 2 papers at Fall Meeting of JSAP (Kimura and Adachi).
2022. 9. 8 Presented 1 invited talk at MSJ (Horii).
2022. 5.23 Presented 1 invited talk at the Jpn. Soc. Pow. Pow. Metal. (Horii).
2022. 5.16 PhD 1Y student joined our lab in person from Pakistan.
2022. 3.22 Presented 3 papers at Spring Meeting of JSAP (Horii, Kimura and Adachi).
2022. 1.26 PhD 1Y student presented in a quarterly periodic meeting in Grad. Schl. Eng. (Walid)
2021.12.14 Presented 2 papers at MRM2021(intl) (Horii[invited] and Adachi).
2021.11.15 Presented 2 papers at Annual Meeting of MSSJ (Horii and Kimura).
2021.11. 3 Presented in a quarterly periodic meeting in Grad. Schl. Eng. (Walid, PhD 1Y student)
2021. 9. 8 held Enrollment Ceremony for int'l students. 1 PhD student joined our lab.
2021. 9. 8 Presented 1 paper at EUCAS (Adachi).
2021. 9.12 Presented 2 papers at Fall Meeting of JSAP (Kimura and Adachi).
2021. 6. 3 Awarded at the Jpn. Soc. Pow. Pow. Metal. (Horii).
2021. 5.17 Presented 1 invited talk at a division meeting of the Mag. Soc. Jpn. (Horii).
2021. 5. 1 Published invited review paper in Fine Ceramics Report (in Japanese) (Horii).
2021. 3.16 Presented 2 papers at Spring Meeting of JSAP (Kimura and Horii).
2021. 2. 9 Announcement of Div Meeting of CSSJ (in Japanese)
2021. 1. 1 Happy New Year!
2020.12. 5 Invited presentation at a Div. Meeting of MSSJ (Horii).
2020.12. 1 Published invited review paper in the bulletin of JSAP (Horii).
2020.10. 1 Horii is assgined to be Visiting Prof. of Kyoto Univ.
2020. 9.13 Presented 3 papers at Fall Meeting of JSAP (Adachi, Kimura and Horii).
2020. 7. 1 Dr. Adachi joined the Lab. as Assistant Prof.
2020. 5.29 The lab's research output was introduced in JP newspaper "Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun".
2020. 4. 1 The Faculty of Engineering has been just launched! Prof. Horii's lab., too!
・日本語版ホームページはこちら。JP version is here.
・Graduate School of Engineering, KUAS
・Supercond. Division, Jpn. Soc. Appl. Phys. (in JP)
・Magnetoscience Division, Jpn. Soc. Appl. Phys. (in JP)(established in 2012)